Ornithological tourism in the wetlands of Lima 2019
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The present research work it was done in Pantanos of Villa wetlands and Ventanilla wetlands and aims to propose an ornithological tourism promotion plan in the wetlands of lima. The research had a holistic methodology and a mixed approach, techniques and instruments were used quantitative and qualitative, with type of projective research and comprehensive level. with the objective of doing a comparison of the growth the ornithological tourism in both wetlands. The sample it was constituted by sixty tourists and three workers. According to the result there is a lack of investment in infrastructure in the wetlands, lack of technology, environmental education programs must be implemented directed to inhabitants, school children and visitors for the conservation and sustainability of wetlands, it is also observed lack of information and promotion the ornithological tourism, it is a type of ecotourism unknown but it is help in the sustainability of wetlands. As one alternative solution it was proposed to promote the ornithological tourism in the school of Lima through talks and doing the ornithological activity in the wetlands, for it one strategy to improve the infrastructure in the wetlands and one strategy to promote the activity through social networks.
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