Wood recycling a tool to undertake and care for the planet
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This business management proposal, focuses on the reuse of a product that is normally discarded after being used in the transportation of various accessories, especially appliances, this waste can cause a negative impact on the environment since this material has a decomposition period of many years. The preponderant figures of this project indicate that there is sufficient market to exploit the recycling of pinewood and turn this activity into a business model. The objective of this article is to study how the recycling of pinewood (Pallet) can be seen from a future business perspective. The descriptive research method was used because it allowed to evaluate the characteristics of pine wood and relate it as a potential business to undertake it. A household-directed survey was applied to determine their opinion of the reuse of pinewood in novel products, in addition to resorting to the criteria of different professionals who like to purchase products made with pine, another marketing segment of these products made With recycling can be, furniture and office supplies, ornaments among others. The investigation determined significant results on the need to recycle providing the necessary bases to create businesses in which certain families can benefit.
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