Fair IGV and liquidity in a services company, Lima 2017
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The research has the purpose of analyzing the incidence of fair IGV in a services company liquidity, located in Lima- Peru, 2017 period, in which law N° 30524- fair IGV was enforced. The study was developed under a qualitative approach, with the application of documentary analysis on the financial situation of the company, and interviews to informants, therefore, Atlas.ti software was required for data triangulation. To that effect, it can be stated that the 90 days-extension in the deadline for general sales tax payment has an impact on the company liquidity, shortening the existing gap between the collection policy provided by the company to its customers, and the IGV payment period that the public collecting entity establishes. Likewise, it was detected that the application of fair IGV was not 100% appropriate, due to the lack of training of the accounting staff, about new regulations.
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