Standardization of the questionnaire to measure the management skills in the tourism sector

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Irma Milagros Carhuancho Mendoza
Luis Guillermo Sicheri Monteverde
Fernando Alexis Nolazco Labajos
José Abel De la Torre Tejada


The objective of the study was to establish the dimensions, calculate the reliability and standardize the management skills in a questionnaire for the tourism sector. We selected executives linked to the tourism activity predominating the participation of the male gender (54%), the ages oscillated between 37 and 65 years. The questionnaire was tested for KMO (.875) and Barlett (P =.000), in the fourth application the acceptable value was obtained; The Cronbach alpha Test (α =.968) and two halves of Guttman (G =.918) showed that the questionnaire was reliable. At the end, the instrument was made up of 31 items and the dimensions were: a) technical skills measured through software, language, negotiation and decision indicators; B. Personal treatment skills, like self-control, self-confidence, emotional balance and empathy; C. Conceptual skills, composed of the development of new concepts and problem solving.


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How to Cite
Carhuancho Mendoza, I. M., Sicheri Monteverde , L. G. ., Nolazco Labajos, F. A. ., & De la Torre Tejada, J. A. . (2019). Standardization of the questionnaire to measure the management skills in the tourism sector. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 4(3), 1–12.


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