About the Journal
INNOVA Research Journal is a free and open access electronic journal of a scientific-academic nature; its publishing entity is UIDE. The objective of the magazine is to promote and disseminate scientific production works that generate impact in the national and international community.
This journal is aimed at academics, professionals, students of advanced studies and the general scientific community; interested in researching different fields of related knowledge.
Since April 2022, the research areas of the journal have been reduced to comply with best practices in the editorial process and quality criteria for academic publications.
- *Education
- Educational innovation, employment and citizenship
- Education for inclusion and sustainability
- *Business and Innovation
- Entrepreneurship, strengthening and development of economic actors.
- Business, economic and/or social environment
The journal publishes articles in Spanish or English.
The Journal publishes the following types of articles:
Scientific articles: presents original results of a research project and refers to a research problem or question of interest to the academic community. Include at least 30 bibliographic references, maximum 22 pages.
Bibliographic Review Articles: presents original results, collects, analyzes, synthesizes and discusses published information on a field in science or technology, in order to deliver progress and developing trends on the subject that the journal addresses. Include at least 50 bibliographic references, maximum 25 pages.
Since 2019, the periodicity of the journal has been changed to quarterly, the periods are: January-April, May-August, September-December. Since 2021, the regular numbers are published on January, May and September. Between the years 2016-2018 the periodicity was monthly. In both monthly and quarterly publication periods, publications were generated continuously.
Every time a number is published, it is communicated to registered users by email.
The Journal has an Editorial Board and an International Scientific Committee with representatives from different countries invited to participate and collaborate with the journal voluntarily. Their experience in different areas of knowledge allow them to make contributions to the different works that are presented in the journal.
Since April 2022, the Editorial Team has been consolidated with the renewal of the Scientific Committee and the incorporation of associate and thematic editors specialized in Education and Business and Innovation.
All articles go through a double-blind peer review process, so that neither authors nor reviewers know the identity of the other party. Each blind pair analyzes works that coincide with their area of knowledge. The journal has the collaboration of external reviewers from its editorial team and the publishing institution. The reviewers undertake to maintain the reliability of saving and not disclosing the article that has been entrusted to them for review. All authors must submit their work through the platform in Word format. The editor assigned to the issue is in no way the reviewer of the articles. The information on the description of the peer review processes can be found, exhaustively, in the Peer Review Process.
- * Directorio de revistas de acceso abierto (DOAJ)
- * Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe, España y Portugal (REDALYC)
- * Catalog 2.0 of Latindex
- * Dialnet
- * Latin American Network of Academic Journals in Social Sciences and Humanities (LatinRev)
- * Ibero-American Network for Innovation and Scientific (REDIB)
- * Information Matrix for the Analysis of Journals (MIAR)
- * Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE).
* ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences)
* Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences (CLASE-PERIODICA)
- CORE Repository Dashboard
INNOVA Research Journal receives and publishes research articles. The contents of the publication have the character of original and unpublished research within the academic and scientific field.
This journal provides immediate open access to its content, based on the principle of offering the public free access to research which helps a greater global exchange of knowledge. The articles published in INNOVA Research Journal can be shared under the Creative Commons License, Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) in the definition of its open access and reuse policy for published material. The information on the description of this policy can be found exhaustively in the Open Access Statement section.
This journal does not charge any submissions processing or publication charges to authors (APC). Readers have free and open access to the articles once they are published.
The articles published in the journal must be strictly original and unpublished, that is, they cannot have been published in any other media or be under review in another media.
The content of the published article is the sole responsibility of its author and collaborators. The ideas, opinions and statements raised in the article are not necessarily shared by the Journal.
The journal provides statistics per article, where the number of article downloads is mainly displayed. To access this information, you must enter the research of your choice, in the Archives Section.
In addition, statistics are available on the rejection rate and number of originals sent to the journal. This is complemented with information on the number of users who visit the website and their countries of origin. More information visit here.
All articles published by the journal have digital identifiers called DOI (Digital Object Identifier).