Innovative learning-service practices that get minors hooked on improving their community
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This paper describes some of the results of a qualitative study focused on analyzing the influence of Learning-Service (LS) practices in promoting strong participation of primary school students in socio-educational action for the improvement of their surroundings. The study axis was a LS project implemented in a primary school classroom which involved primary school students and teachers, university students and community socio-educational agents. The case study was the method of inquiry and document analysis, participant observation and semi-structured interviews were the information collection instruments. The results showed the changes in participation by the students involved in the project and in the setting, which was an abandoned physical community space rehabilitated and revalued by the work of the teachers and other educational agents. These results lead to the conclusion that SL opens new horizons of possibility for the articulation of educational practices including the voices of minors as an element for improving their schooling.
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