Minimental test for early diagnosis of cognitive impairme
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This work informs the initial process and results of the automation of the medical diagnostic test of primary health care, standardized and recognized worldwide for the early detection of cognitive impairment in geriatric patients called MiniMental Test. It is a questionnaire that evaluates memory, orientation, concentration and language; is based on a score given to the patient's responses, then the scores are averaged and compared to the standardized parameters in the test, determining the level of cognitive impairment that may or may not suggest the onset of psychiatric pathologies such as Alzheimer's. The application created allows to follow sequentially and graphically the clinical evolution of the patient; it also includes a reminder component that alerts the patient to the medication to be taken according to the indicated medical prescription. The validation of this work was carried out by the occupational physician at Cotopaxi Technical University of Cotopaxi and the clinical psychologist of the Home of the Elderly “Instituto Estupiñán” of Latacunga – Ecuador, institution where the tool was applied to 12 patients aged 75 to 93 years, 5 males and 7 women, as a result severe cognitive decline was identified in 4 patients, cognitive impairment between discrete and moderate in 6 patients.
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