Proposal of policies to reduce the risk of loss of information on the Cloud office 365 platform in a commercial company, 2019

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Merlin Stefanny Rupay Velazco
César Marcelo Correa Rosales
Kiara Alessandra Rivas Flores
Miriam Erica Salvatierra Garamendi


The objective of the investigation was to propose information security policies for the protection of sensitive data of the company that workers frequently have in the office 365 platform, segment sensitive data documents by areas, specific users and improve access security to your email accounts, or access to mobile devices that do not have limitations in the use of organizational information. The study was based on the holistic phrase, mixed approach and projective type, quantitative and qualitative collection methods were applied. For this, three users were interviewed with the specific positions of the director, manager and head of the area; audit records were extracted with user access from external and internal environments, which helps us to know who access their accounts from IP outside the office range. It is evident that they have access to their accounts and company documents, which can be deleted and / or downloaded because they use the services in the SharePoint or OneDrive cloud. In conclusion, the information is exposed to be stolen and manipulated by external users, since the company has basic policies applied to users.


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How to Cite
Rupay Velazco, M. S., Correa Rosales, C. M., Rivas Flores , K. A., & Salvatierra Garamendi, M. E. (2019). Proposal of policies to reduce the risk of loss of information on the Cloud office 365 platform in a commercial company, 2019. INNOVA Reseach Journal, 4(3.2), 144–151.


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