Andragógica and Praxeología: Trialéctica for the transformation from the university communication
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The present investigation had as purpose to understand how the andragogic management is lived in the university education, from its praxis, examining the daily speech of the key informants, with the last aim of constructing a trialétrica plot for the andragogic transformation from the supported praxeology in communication. The study was configured in the postpositivist paradigm, framed in a hermeneutical phenomenological methodological process. The information was collected applying as a technique an in-depth interview to two (2) facilitators and one (1) participant of a public University in Venezuela, using the recorder as an instrument. The treatment of the data obtained was carried out in two phases; the first, phenomenological applying the reductions and the second through the hermeneutic turn to achieve the interpretation. All this allowed the construction of a Trialéctica plot for the andragogic transformation based on Praxeology, from which it is possible to look at the university education from a perspective of reflection and action of its protagonists, taking as referents three fundamental aspects of the individual; the human, the cognitive and the social.
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