INNOVA Research Journal 2018, Vol 3, No. 9, pp. 29-38
the country in a very sensitive position. By 2007, the Ecuadorians, elected Rafael Correa as their
president, a populist university lecturer instructed in economics. Correa was an outsider in the
terms of politics, for that reason he wins popularity among the people that was tired of the
traditional populist representatives (Jaramillo-Jassir, 2012, pp. 151-152). He comes whit the idea
of stabilizing the country and generate development mainly by perform modifications in the
economic structure of the state, which they called ‘changes in the productive matrix’. In 2007,
once elected, the new administration started its revolutionary process which tended to substitute
the neoliberal regime stablished in Ecuador since the 80s, by a model of endogenous growth
primarily favouring to the working class. In order to legitimate their actions in the political and
in the legal field, a referendum, mainly whit the aim to create a new constitution that included all
this reforms was proposed, the result was overwhelming, due to it was approved by the 80% of
the electorate, besides the new constitution that propose a more equalitarian and socialist system,
it was accepted by 65% of the voters. (Becker, 2011, pp. 49-51).
Nationalization of oil companies
Since the 80s, the main income of the country has come from the oil exportations,
however, before 2008, Ecuador was not receiving the maximum utility from it, due to 53, 7% of
the production belongs to the private companies (Indicadores Macroeconómicos, 2012), besides
the type of contract that the state maintained whit this corporation was not profitable at all,
attributable to the favourable terms for the companies, Ecuador perceived the major income from
renting the land rather than from the oil production. In 2010, a project of nationalization and
renegotiation of this contracts started. By 2012, the private production of oil where reduced to
5, 6%, besides, the remaining companies had to pay 25% of their total profit to the state
Indicadores Macroeconómicos, 2012), in addition to ecological and profit sharing taxes. By
012, the activities of companies like Texaco-Chevron and OXY were passed to the national oil
company of Ecuador (Petroecuador). This new perception of income played a fundamental role
for the future economic reforms.
First reforms to the labour code
The new constitution of Ecuador prohibited any type of outsourcing and hour paid
activities. Obliging the private companies to provide full-time contracts whit fully remunerated
salaries. Besides to social healthcare and 15% of the profit sharing to the workers. By that time
in Ecuador 800 000 workers were part of outsourcing companies, this represented the 17% of the
labour force. Also, this law included workers involved in the domestic labour. As a result,
thousands of workers where involved in the formal sector, which growth from 38, % from 2009
to 45% in 2010 (Banco Central del Ecuador, 2014). The workers indeed were satisfied whit this
measures, however, a considerable downsizing started in the private sector, because they alleged
that was unprofitable to maintain the workers whit this benefits, this was reflected in the
unemployment figures that growth from 7, 9% in 2009 to 9, 1% in 2010 (Banco Central del
Ecuador, 2014), (Uquillas, 2007).
To fight against the rise of unemployment numbers, the government generated jobs by
creating new state entities, 6 new national ministries besides a considerable number of regional
secretaries and regulatory entities were creates, producing 110000 new jobs since 2008 to 2014
Revista de la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador. URL: