INNOVA Research Journal 2016, Vol 1, No. 6, pp. 27-41
Abstract: A high in the Andes in southern Ecuador, between the provinces of Azuay and Loja,
lies the saraguro canton. Saraguros live there, look for an indigenous culture known for its well-
preserved lifestyle, clothing and traditional crafts, quichua language and cuisine. The people
Saraguro proudly maintain the cohesive cultural factors that have structured their life for hundreds
of years. They have worked to preserve their indigenous identity from the spanish conquest and
continue during modernization and actual globalization. Worldwide walkers will experience the
proud community of Saraguro in his native town. In addition to the vibrant and rich culture,
Saraguro also has great natural beauty, flora, fauna and Opportunity of the many adventure
activities. Almost the entire tourism infrastructure is local, creating an authentic travel experience
and Sustainable. One of the main problems facing the canton Saraguro and in particular the
community Tuncarta, is the erosion of their land , due to lack of vegetation, especially in the high
contradictory product of deforestation and forest fires has been; and lack of awareness for the care
and preservation of primary forests. Another drawback identified in the area is the absence of an
adequate system of tourism and environmental signage, something that hinders appreciation and
characterization of the potential of the sector. Furthermore unknown mechanisms to develop
sustainable tourism in place and care of natural resources. Referencing the aforementioned
background, we believe are relevant evidence to present identification mechanisms of ailments
that make the community Tuncarta not touristically developed (Rivero, 2010), for it was used in
the research, ongoing training, implementation of the MDP, focus groups, discussion groups and
seminars for residents of the community, whose results were evidenced in the short and long term,
promoting in involved full awareness of protection, environmental care and awareness, and as a
mature and comprehensive mindset developed through partnership and community work.
Moreover, we believe that education is an axis of good living, because, in the educational process
should include the preparation of future citizens for a democratic, fair, inclusive and peaceful
society. By virtue of the beneficiaries of this project responsibilities exercised within the
framework of multiculturalism, respect for diversity, and harmonious and respectful coexistence
with nature (Sumak Kawsay). (SENPLADES, 2013).
Key words: tourism development; discomforts; mdp
Escaso desarrollo turístico en la comunidad de Tuncarta: El Proyecto de investigación es
una compilación del programa de vinculación denominado “Programa de vinculación y
desarrollo comunitario en la comunidad de Tuncarta”, el cual se desarrolló en el sector de
Tuncarta, Cantón Saraguro de la Provincia de Loja y nació a petición de la comunidad y como
una alternativa de solución ante las principales problemáticas identificadas como la deforestación
y la falta de capacitación para potencializar sus atractivos turísticos y culturales, así como la
escasa concienciación ambiental, implicando de ésta manera, la participación de estudiantes de la
Universidad Internacional del Ecuador Extensión Loja pertenecientes a la Carrera de Gestión
Turística y Medio y estudiantes del Colegio Agropecuario “Ñukanchik Kawsay”, cuyo beneficio
fue para los habitantes del sector, ya que, ellos participaron activamente de este proceso
capacitación continua, por tal razón, se logró fortalecer su cultura, tradiciones e identidad
nacional. Esta investigación desde un inicio representó para la Carrera y la UIDE un
fortalecimiento de su imagen por intermedio de los estudiantes al momento de realizar los
Revista de la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador. URL: