INNOVA Research Journal 2017, Vol 2, No. 8, pp. 155-171
Abstract: The present study is based on the physical preparation of the pilots and co-pilots of motor
racing in Ecuador; one of the problems is the application of an appropriated methodology adjusted to
the needs of a specific physical, psychological and physiological preparation. Empirical, intuitive,
spontaneous, non-academic practices have been used to support the training methods. Nowadays,
advances have been made to improve mental and physical performance. Ecuadorian pilots of the 70's
say that their preparation depended on the exhaustive maintenance of the engine and aesthetics of the
car, but not on the strategies of driving because of the limited experience they had at that time as well
as in physical preparation. The present article presents two approaches (quantitative and qualitative)
where scientific research during the study process aims to strengthen knowledge in the automotive-
sports area through a field, bibliographic and documentary studies. The main results of the surveys
show a high knowledge in the system and mechanisms of the vehicle during the competition, also the
respondents assert that the biopsychosocial and cultural preparation of the pilot-copilot in our
environment is essential as well as the factors that intervene in the dynamics Of the automobile in the
competition and finally it is fundamental the preparation of the work team as they are the collaboration
and cooperation as attitudinal competition that will depend on the success of the race. In the interview
the participants say that it is essential to prepare the pilot-co-pilot physically because the racing
consume a lot of energy of the body and they say that they train by theirselves following an empirical
way of training. It should be emphasized that this research is unpublished in Ecuador, but in other
countries it is already applied. Finally, we hope that in Ecuador, it will be considered in a formal,
programmed and preventive way the development of the driving potential inherent to the physically
formation of the pilot and co-pilot for rally car rasing.
Key words: rally; pilot, co-pilot; roadmap; motor efficiency; bio-psychophysical training
Un piloto sano , es conocedor de las bondades de la práctica deportiva; transmite
valores, la comunidad lo ve como un ejemplo. No sólo es talento para la conducción debe ser
partícipe de un programa regular a largo plazo para su evolución racional y motriz”.(Sainz, 2003,
pag. 8).
La Preparación Física del Piloto-Copiloto de automovilismo: uno de los problemas no
desarrollados hasta hace poco tiempo por el piloto-copiloto es el déficit de una metodología
ajustada a las necesidades de una preparación física, psicológica y fisiológica específica. De
manera histórica se han realizado prácticas empíricas, intuitivas, espontaneas, sin respaldo
académico que sustentara los métodos de entrenamiento utilizados. En la actualidad
favorablemente se han dado extraordinarios avances para la mejora del rendimiento físico y
mental (Cohen, 2003, pág. 7).
Para Cohen (2003) en el libro “Manual de entrenamiento para el piloto de
automovilismo“ establece que en la programación del deportista (piloto-copiloto) no hay una
resultados concluyentes, sino que se basan en la adaptación del deportista considerando las
características de recepción de la carga física para la competición y post competición. La
programación de los deportistas no debe verse como un factor aislado, sino la armonía que debe
existir en los aspectos-componentes del entrenamiento deportivo.
La finalidad no es tener un hombre “biomáquina”, sino brindar un ambiente de seguridad,
confianza y disfrute, instando la eficiencia del entrenamiento en el mínimo tiempo (tiempo
Revista de la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador. URL: